Pressor effect of substance P was strengthened by naloxone in the pressor area of ventral surface of medulla in rabbits 纳洛酮在延髓腹外侧加压区加强P物质引起的升压效应
α-Receptor Involved in the Pressor Effect of Substance P Applied to Rostral Ventrolateral Medulla in Rabbits α1-受体参与介导P物质在家兔延髓头端腹外侧面的升压作用
The role of locus caeruleus in the pressor response to cerebroventricular injection of substance P in rat 蓝斑核在侧脑室注射P物质引起的升压反应中的作用
The Inhibitory Effect of Central Alpha 2 Adrenoceptors on the Pressor Response to Intracerebroventricular Injection of Substance P 中枢α2-肾上腺素能受体对家兔脑室注射P物质所致升压反应的抑制作用
The Facilitating Effect of Naloxone on the Central Pressor Response of Substance P 纳洛酮对P物质中枢升压效应的易化作用
Pressor effect of substance P applied to the pressor area of ventral surface of medulla oblongata and the underlying mechanism in rabbits P物质在家兔延髓腹侧面加压区的升压作用及其机制探讨